Writing code in component properties has become very annoying

Writing code in component properties has become very annoying, when you start writing it seems like a refresh is executed and the new content is deleted :frowning:


Same here. I'm copying the code to Visual Studio and then paste it back, but yes, it's annoying.

Linking this thread to this other one as they seem to relate to the same or very similar issues

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Thank you all for reporting this! Definitely something we want to research & fix. Do you happen to know if you're seeing this within the module editor or app editor?

App editor for sure. I haven't worked a lot lately on modules, so can't say.


Hey @Tess,

A trend that I'm noticing more often: I see this behaviour happening when writing a Run Script event handler


Thank you! That is helpful for tracking this down. I'm guessing it isn't consistent enough for this, but curious if anyone has a screen recording as well?