Workflow failing without even trying

I'm triggering a workflow with a webhook and it's failing before even starting. No errors or workflow steps showing up besides the error handler.

Can you provide a little more info on the workflow? What does the start trigger, etc look like, what block are connected where.

This workflow does a review of a domain. It fetches some external DNS data and then triggers some services to review the data. The thing is, its failing before getting to anything and without showing a single error.

I can't quite see it, but it looks the like there is a query called "error" at the bottom of the flow that might not be connected to the larger flow? From the log, it looks like this query runs and triggers a response before any of the rest of the flow.

yah the error is strange on the global error handler. I'm not sure why the slack notification is showing a dependency error.

We were able to identify that the issue was not handling error cases in some blocks. Unfortunately, there was no native error logging or feedback in the run history because it showed as a failure before even the startTrigger block.

Interesting; there was an error in a block that happened before the startTrigger? How did you find that?

Very odd, we can definitely make a feature request to improve the error messaging to let you know which blocks down the line were not handling error cases.

My guess would be the current setup checks for down the line issues, aborts the entire flow's run due to seeing the reported error from the lack of handling and but then logs to the console that the first step didn't run with the explanation of why.

If you could give me any more details/screenshots on what the later blocks were missing that could have caused the flow to not run and what you did to change them, that would be really helpful for our eng team! :grin: