Workflow error: "Did you forget to include a return statement?" with return statement present

Here is a code block I have a wired issue with.
It states that I forgot to include a return statement although it's there.

Is it something I'm doing wrong?

// Decoding function
function decodeMessage(value, format) {
    let result = "";
    if (format === 'base64') {
        const raw = atob(value.raw_message);
        for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) {
            const hex = raw.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
            result += hex.length === 2 ? hex : "0" + hex;
    } else if (format === 'hex') {
        result = value.hex_message;
    return result;

const retn = {}; // The return object
let index = 0;
index += 5;

// Struct format
let message_struct =[1].payload.split(",");
let temp;
let thisone = (element) => == temp;

for (let i = 0; i < message_struct.length; ++i) {
    temp = parseInt(message_struct[i]);
    message_struct[i] =[];
    let psubstn = result.substring((index) * 2, (index) * 2 + message_struct[i].size / 4);
    var work = parseInt(psubstn, 16);
    index += message_struct[i].size / 8;

    if (["ff", "ffff", "ffffffff", "7f", "7fff", "7fffffff","ff7f","ffffff7f"].includes(psubstn)) {
        retn[message_struct[i].column_name] = null;

    if (message_struct[i].column_name === "res1"||message_struct[i].column_name === "res2"||message_struct[i].column_name === "error_flags"||message_struct[i].column_name === "unit_status") 

    if (message_struct[i].column_name === "timestamp") {
        // Flip the bytes to correct the endianness
        work = flipBytes(work, 4);

        // Extract date and time from timestamp
        retn[message_struct[i].column_name] = extractDateTime(work);

    // Process other fields based on type
    switch (message_struct[i].signed) {
        case "unsigned":
            work = flipBytes(work, message_struct[i].size / 8);
            retn[message_struct[i].column_name] = work * message_struct[i].scaling - message_struct[i].offset;
        case "signed":
            let isNegative = (work & (1 << (message_struct[i].size - 1))) !== 0;
            if (isNegative) {
                work = work - (1 << message_struct[i].size);
        case "float":
            retn[message_struct[i].column_name] = ieee32ToFloat(flipBytes(parseInt(psubstn, 16), 4));
        case "bool":
            retn[message_struct[i].column_name] = parseInt(psubstn, 16) !== 0;

// Additional properties
retn.modem_id = value.asset_id;
retn.swarm_message_id = value.swarm_message_id;
retn.asset_id = value.buoy_id;

return retn;

Hi @Scottsky,

That message simply means that the block result is undefined (which is usually due to a return statement missing), so you can safely ignore it if returning undefined was intended. I'll file a bug to make this less confusing.

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Thank you for clarifying.
Actually makes sense to file a bug as I got it working for me as soon as I stopped treating it as a bug I need to address.