Weird retool bug that runs database query for blank variables only on iphone, even with event handler having condition false


Hello I have a weird bug. It's hard to explain so here's a video.

The bug exists on iphone but I've not tested it on android.

The JSON export of the app is attached.

DEBUG Earnings app.json (33.2 KB)

Hey @desbest ,

Can you try to set query to be manually triggered ?
I'm guessing that when data is loading from resources, it is triggering queries.

For what Paulo said on Discord

Try to replicate it on the browser. Open your app, click a few of the toggles, and then open the app on a new tab. Are the toggles showing up disabled on the new tab? If they are, refresh the first tab and see if they are back to disabled. I see that the your queries are set to run when input changes. I wonder if this is what is triggering the run every time your app loads from scratch and the toggles are not clicked yet

I've tried that and everything is fetched from the database in the web browser, upon duplicating the tab then refreshing the original tab, except from the first switch group, which has its corresponding database entry as blank.

Can you try to set query to be manually triggered ?
I'm guessing that when data is loading from resources, it is triggering queries.

I've just tried that now, well although technically saving the bug, it's also not saving anything at all, which defeats the object.

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This issue was solved during Office Hours last Tuesday. We needed to refactor some JS code, and update a query or two. It was great working with you @desbest, feel free to join us any Tuesday or Thursday. :slightly_smiling_face: