utils.downloadPage() stopped working as it used to

@abbyhernan We are seeing this same issue on our end. We have not edited our App in a month and returned to it late last week. The utils.downloadPage() now only exports the current view in the browser rather than the entire page like it used to. Different browsers across different users in our org get the same result.

Hi, in both Chrome and Firefox if we use the browser zoom to change from 100% to 110%, it displays the whole app.

It makes no sense, as technically you can see less but seems to do the job for us until a permanent fix is in place.

Thank you all for your feedback. I'm monitoring this thread and your comments help raise visibility to the number of users affected by this bug. Will post updates here as they roll out. Thank you :pray:

commenting to follow. I have the issue where the download query runs but no download is saved to local drive for some apps, but not others

Hello! We pushed a fix for content getting cut off, wanted to verify that everyone who was having that specific issue is unblocked. As for nested content inside containers, we're still looking into the root cause of that and will update this thread once resolved.

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Thanks for the update. This has tested working for us now across multiple devices and browsers.

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Having the same issue.

I want to export a PDF version of the form that is submitted. I am trying to download a PDF copy when a form is submitted as this PDF copy will be sent to the team for record keeoing.

I tried using the below function but all I get is the header and a submit button, with all components in the middle skipped.

utils.downloadPage("Weekly report" + " " + moment().format("MMM Do YY"),{
fullscreen: true

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I am still getting this issue. It is printing most of the page, and then it cuts off the bottom of the page. Any solution?


Hi @AbbeyHernandez,

I'm having the same issue, as in I get a blank page download (using Chrome). I'm using a modal frame and the following:

utils.downloadPage("ficha", { scale: 3, componentsToInclude: ["printPage"], componentsToExclude: excludedComponents.value });

Someone else from my team gets the download correclty, but I only get blank pages.

Interestingly, when I try incognito it works well....

:face_with_spiral_eyes: very weird! Just added this information to the ticket and 3 +1s. Have you tried any other browsers? It worked on Chrome incognito?

Hi @AbbeyHernandez,

I'll try with another browser tomorrow. Yes, Chrome incognito.

I also tried, to no avail, other solutions suggested in this thread like zooming out and zooming out.

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Ok, it works well with Microsoft Edge (I really wanted it to fail as I can't bear it as a browser.... but that's a whole different topic haha). So it may indicate it is a browser related problem.

Hahahaha I thought Edge is having a comeback? Thanks for looking into it!

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Hey Retool Team,

I hope you're well. I'm following up on the bug regarding the fullscreen option in utils.downloadPage. Currently, when using fullscreen: true, it only captures the visible window (top first page) and doesn't scroll to capture the rest of the content below it. I'm on Retool version 3.76.0 using Google Chrome.

Any updates on this issue would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Retool team, I'm also having an issue here and would welcome an update. Please let us know!

Hi @van and @Gregory_Caplan,

Thank you for raising visibility on impaction of this bug. This is in our pipeline, but I don't have a timeline for it current. I'll bump our team. Thank you all for your patience :pray:

Thank you. Are there any straightforward alternatives you can point me to for PDF generation other than the built-in pdf exporter?

Some users reported that it worked intermittently in Chrome incognito and in Edge.

Hi all,

This is a big problem for us as our client only picked Retool as we could download our screens to PDFs. They are also using this feature very regularly so this has caused big operational problems for them.

Do you have any update on this please?

To reiterate - the download is working, the full screen attribute is not - it is only downloading the visible portion of the screen.

To everyone impacted,

Thank you for your patience as we identify a cause of this issue and work towards a solution. Since we've seen widespread reports of downloadPage chopping off everything after the viewport size, we've prioritized it higher and will try to get to it more quickly. Very sorry for any operational delays or friction this causes your client. I will follow up with engineering and see if we have any additional information I can share.