[Bug?] utils.downloadPage does not show content of container and modules

Hi there :wave:

I'm having some issues to capture my screen using the downloadPage util. The documentation page also seems to be lacking some information about the componentsToInclude, componentsToExclude and scale configuration of this function.

Any help or advice is appreciated!



  • Add a button on the Retool app with a click handler that executes utils.downloadPage('test');


  • The application exists of a container on the top of the page, followed by a series of reusable modules.
  • I'm using a Multipage application (although I can reproduce this behaviour in a regular application too)


High-level overview of the app

The output of the downloadPage function

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Hi @avr, which browser are we currently using?

Hi @Paulo,

I'm using Arc, a Chromium based browser. When using this browser the outputted PDF does not show any data, except for the background color of the containers.

I just tried Chrome and Safari and that seems to be working fine :+1: The only thing that's missing is the coloured border around the container (which are dynamically defined).

Thank you for expanding on the issue. It seems to be browser specific, I included these details in the bug report.

Out of curiosity, what's the reason for using Arc vs Chrome or Safari?

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Hi @Paulo,

Tough question to answer without sounding like a fanboy :smile:

One of the main reasons I prefer Arc over any other browser is the "spaces" feature which essentially lets you bundle a series of tabs around a specific topic.

For example when I'm working on Project X for Client Y, I just have to switch to that space where the client's Retool org and all other relevant tabs live. I've noticed that it reduces clutter in my workflow and just helps me work faster.

Definitely check it out if you haven't already!


Great tip! i definitely need to explore more browsers.

I do the same with Chrome and its Group Tabs option. I have tabs grouped by clients, and I like the sleep mode that Chrome applies to unused tabs so that they don't take bandwidth.


From our doc on Retool Apps:

Although most features might work on browsers not included in this list, we can't guarantee full compatibility. It's great that you're exploring different options, but for the best experience with Retool, we recommend sticking to the supported browsers.

On the other hand, the missing border does seem like a bug. I'll try reproducing on my end.

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Makes sense that not each browser is supported! I'll make note of this whenever I encounter unexpected behaviour.

Regardless of the browser related issues, I wanted to highlight that the utils.downloadPage docs seems to be missing some information about the componentsToInclude , componentsToExclude and scale configuration of this function. Would be great if this is explained in the docs!

I found an existing bug report regarding the missing borders in the exported file and have also filed a request to update our documentation to include the missing parameters.

We'll update you here with any news on these issues. Thank you for your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face: