User Authentication with a Django REST Framework Backend

I'm attempting to use Retool as the frontend for a pretty simple internal CRM.

What's the best practice to authenticate users if using a REST backend? I have a lot of historical user data already, so I want to be able to associate the Retool user with the user on my backend.

I'm able to get an access token in my auth workflows, but how do I save that to use in a query for authentication?

Hello @ahucks!

Here are our docs on using custom auth to validate users.

Retool handles a lot of the token handling under the hood, in the queries you will just need to add in the variable name that you set the token to when you receive it.

You won't need to save it to a variable to re-use.

If you follow along with the docs i linked it should cover most use cases. Let me know if the steps are missing anything!