Goal: In my Retool DB I have got a table called "tickets" with a column "broker" and a column "id". Based on the rows selected in a table (called selectTicketsToList) I want to run the query and update the broker_id to a specific value. I am getting stuck at getting the WHERE value for the ID correct.
Steps: I tried all methods I can think of getting the ID in there (string, integer, quotes around it, no qoutes, squared brackets, no squaredebrackets , no join, a join). I also tried the GUI builder and AI
The query I am using is:
broker_id = {{ listTicketBroker.selectedItem.id }}
id IN ({{ selectTicketsToList.selectedRows.map(item => item.id).join(', ') }})
Thanks for your reply! That's also what I would have thought. I've modified the code to:
broker_id = {{ listTicketBroker.selectedItem.id }}
id IN ({{ selectTicketsToList.selectedRows.map(item => item.id).join(',') }})
// Get selected IDs from the table
const ids = selectTicketsToList.selectedRows.map(item => item.id);
// Construct the query with proper formatting
const query = `UPDATE ticket SET broker_id = {{ listTicketBroker.selectedItem.id }} WHERE id IN (${ids.join(',')});`;
// Return or use the query
return query;
Then, you can use the response from this JS query in your PostgreSQL query like this: {{ yourJSQuery.data }}.