Update Custom Columns Locally

  • Goal: I created 4 custom editable columns that are not connected to postgres.
  1. Comms Status: Dropdown
  2. Owner: Dropdown
  3. High Value: Y/N Dropdown
  4. Last follow Up: Date

When these columns are updated, they are not saved when I refresh. How can I do this?


Hi @abhi1, welcome to the forum! :wave:

If we do not connect them to a database, all of those changes will be gone when we refresh the page. We could also try and save them client-side using localhost, but other users won't see the changes you make.

Here are a couple of topics to help you achieve saving them on a table.

  1. Adding upvote,downvote,comment feature on my table( custom column)
  2. Note column/field in Table