Unable to set graphql argument on imported query


I have created a graphql query in my query library with a single argument. The argument lists as a variable. The query runs successfully in the query library.

However, when I add the query to my app in the bottom panel of my app editor by selecting import query from query library, I am unable to see the variable. Instead the message: "This query has no inputs". This means I am unable to bind the query input to the component value in my app.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong - any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hey @bensullivan!

When you create the query are you also passing in a variable name using {{}}?

GraphQL queries are a bit tricky because you need to both define a variable in the GraphQL code and then define a variable again in the query library UI. It looks like there may be a bug where the variable doesn't show up correctly in the right panel as it normally should:

With some testing, it looks like it does still show up in the app despite it not being there though:

Can you let me know how much that overlaps with what you're seeing?