Unable to Pass Data to Workflow via Webhook

It's possible the webhook trigger is working as intended, but I thought I'd ask anyways.

I am able to trigger and pass JSON data to my workflow as long as I use the endpoint URL and API key.

I am able to trigger my workflow using the alias URL (public) without the API key, BUT CANNOT pass JSON data to my workflow.

The issue I am having is that my third-party application only accepts a webhook URL and does not allow me to specify header values for the API key, but it is attempting to pass JSON data in the body, but it's being ignored / blocked.

It's strange that I can trigger the workflow using the alias URL without the API key, but it does not receive the JSON data in the body.

I too am experiencing this with the same issue, tested with key (receives data) and without key (data appears undefined). I'd like to receive the data without requiring the API key on the webhook.

I'm also experiencing this issue. Any steps we might be missing?