Trying to delete documents from CosmosDB and getting an error

I can query documents from cosmosDB, but when I try to delete an object, I get the error "Entity with the specified id does not exist in the system. More info: Troubleshoot Azure Cosmos DB not found exceptions | Microsoft Learn".

Here is the JSON:
"id": {{}},
"partitionKey": "id"

The account used to connect to Cosmos has full access.

I have also tried this without the partitionKey.

Does anyone have tips on how to make this work?

Hey @TJC! Just did some testing and this Cosmos DB delete works for me. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of how your query is configured? :slight_smile:

This does work fine. I was trying to define the partition key in the JSON object.

Ah got it! So all is well now? :slight_smile:

Yes! Cosmos integration is fantastic!