Tracking changes to all apps? Or a subset of apps and modules

Hello Retool Community,

One thing I've noticed about using retool is that it's difficult to track concurrent development from multiple devs. This is because you have to look at version history within each app to see version history, which is cumbersome from an ops perspective. The application I'm building uses about 10 pages so far, so to read through changes, I need to go through each app and check the releases and history.

It would be really helpful to be able to track releases and development by having an overall version history + developer activity on a selection of apps and modules. I don't suppose there's a way of doing this currently?

Hey @Daniel_Podlovics, the best way to handle this would be to use Source Control. At the moment this feature is only available to Enterprise users, but I will go ahead and pass along the feedback that this would be helpful on all plans.