There seems to be a minor bug related to clearing the selection on a table component via tableName.clearSelection() if the table exists inside a Tabbed Container component and is not currently visible.
I have a Click event handler on this button that clears the selection on the above table component. It works fine in the state pictured above (when the tab with the table is visible), but if I navigate to View 1 (which doesn't contain the table) and then click the button, the selected row is not cleared whenever I return to View 2.
How much longer is it going to take for this bug to be fixed as I have the same issue. The clearSelection does nothing when the table is hidden. Very frustrating to have spent so much time trying to figure this out to find out it's yet another Retool bug.
Thanks everyone for boosting visibility on this request. I've updated the request count on our ticket. We don't have any updates on this yet, but our team is monitoring the status and will let you know any updates as they come!