Suddenly variable is null for all values when passed into query (Retool Workflow trigger or Retool Email)

  • Goal: I have a form that sends formData from a formData variable to a Retool workflow and also sends it in the body of a retool email. Suddenly, last night it started sending null values for all the input field values. When I test filling out the form, the values are not null, but then they get sent as null in both the workflow and retool email. This is for a public app page. Update: when I am logged in and submitting a form in the Retool, the values are not null. When I go on the user-facing public page, things become null.

This is quite urgent, as I have clients with their own customers that are trying to submit bookings and cannot.

  • Steps: I tried adding the email to capture the data as a workaround, but it fails too. I'm at a bit of a loss for what else to do.

  • Details: Using a formData variable, and formData.value is being passed into the Retool workflow and email.

When I look at {{ formData.value }} -- event_date is null. But when I hover over the value of formData, I can see that event_date properly reflects the input field's value.

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 9.46.32 AM
Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 9.46.55 AM

Hi @megan,

Could you send me an app export?

Are there any browser console errors?

Does this issue seem related to this other topic you created - Retool Workflow is running TEST startTrigger when triggered?

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Hi @Tess -- thanks!

Could you send me an app export?

Yes, messaged.

Are there any browser console errors?

Yes, shared this in the message as well!

Does this issue seem related to this other topic you created - Retool Workflow is running TEST startTrigger when triggered?

Yes, it definitely could be as we ran into this issue while troubleshooting the overall null values getting passed in -- I just wasn't sure exactly how. No form data would be in the start trigger payload of the workflow (the start trigger data was just undefined), and so the workflow would just run whatever the test json was in the start trigger block.

Thank you again!

Originally, changing from triggering the workflow via the Retool Workflow resource query did not work, and so we tried triggering the retool workflow via rest API with its endpoint. Initially that was also passing null values, but is working now -- so this works for us as a solution and we can consider this resolved!

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So glad you have a solution to move forward with! Thanks for the update