Subfolder Creation


+1. It's been 2 years.

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Thank God we're not at Atlassian's forum, it could be 10 or 15 years xD

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Hello all! Work on subfolder creation is finally in progress! :tada:


Hey @Kabirdas, would love to know if there are any updates on this!

Hey @shrenik, it's still in active development! At the moment the target release is around the end of Q1 next year.


joining the chorus of +1s. glad it's being worked on

We're currently dogfooding subfolders internally! There are still a bunch of fit-and-finish issues to fix up before it meets our external-launch quality bar, but we are on track to get it ready for public consumption by May, in time for the code freeze of our Q2 Long-Term-Support release🙂

As for why it took so long? It's mostly because we want subfolders and apps to inherit their permissions from their parent and ancestor folders. This will allow non-admin users to self-govern who can edit and use their apps by moving apps from personal folders that they own to shared folders that they can edit. But it also means that the project is drastically more complex, with a much higher quality and safety bar, than it would be to simply allow folders to live in other folders without changing the way permissions work.


+1 - Any update now that we are at the end of Q1?

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Thanks for asking @Ellen_Nelson - I've confirmed with our eng team internally: this is moving toward being available for customers, but we don't have an exact timeline update to share just yet.

My sense is that it won't be too much longer! As @Jeff_Hemphill mentioned, given this feature's complexity under the hood in conjunction with permissions, the top priority is testing to maintain a high quality bar before officially releasing. Stay tuned here for an update about which release/date this will be available. :slight_smile:

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Hello! We're releasing a private beta of subfolders with next week's quarterly stable release, v3.52.0. For now, it will only be available for enterprise customers using an On-premise, Airgapped, or Managed-cloud instance of Retool. Customers will need to reach out to us to be onboarded to subfolders.

In the coming edge releases, we'll start supporting subfolders for customers on our Free and Team plans, as well as organizations using our Cloud instance. Subfolders will be generally available to all, by default, when the Q3 stable release launches!


Hi folks!

Excited to announce that we're rolling out subfolders in a closed alpha for customers on the Business plan and above!

We plan to roll them out on all plans, and want to start by working closely with customers with custom permission setups.

If you're interested, please email me your Retool subdomain and our team will get you onboarded!


Yay, thank you @antonybello! At what email address do we email you?

Hi @Ellen_Nelson, I reached out to Antony internally. This feature has been enabled for your org! Check under Advanced settings and enable subfolders. :sunglasses:

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Can I be onboarded to this as well please?

I'm mostly interested in subfolders for organizing queries within an application. I have an app that will end up with several dozen queries and this would be very helpful

Could you send me a DM with your org? I found one that I think you are part of but I would like to confirm this.

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@henrymeiklejohn, this setting is now available on your org!

Update: nested folders are not supported within Apps. This feature is for the App index at the Home page.

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@Paulo Can you make this available for our organization please? (Kredito) (

Welcome to the forum, @Patricio_De_Solminihac!
The feature is ready for use in your org. :white_check_mark:
Check under Advanced settings and enable subfolders.

Does the subfolder/nesting not work in Workflows?