Stack Component has hidden min height

  • Goal: Have a horizontal stack component with only one line text components inside

  • Steps: Add stack -> Set direction to horizontal and height to auto -> Add a text component -> Remove margin & padding of the stack

  • Result: Even though the text snippet has a much smaller size, the stack still keeps a greater height that cannot be reduced.

  • Screenshot:

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Hey @nikita_from_bunch

I think I'm seeing a different behavior :thinking: Any chance you could send me an app export? Are you seeing this on Cloud (Retool v3.129)?


Hi @Tess , thanks for looking into it!

While I am on self-hosted Retool v3.102.0, it does seem like we are experiencing the same behaviour – the actual text component that you have selected (blue border) actually has the correct height, whereas the stack (thick gray border) is a bit taller than the text component that it contains.

In my screenshot, the stack itself has a white background as well, which is why the screenshots look slightly different. Changing the background of the stack to red should visualise the issue better.

Thanks again!

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Yes, noted! Thank you. I'll follow up if I get an update on this internally