Stack (Beta) Not Scrolling

I want to be able to scroll in a container when height is set to "fill."

I currently have a parent container with "expand content to fit" checked. In that container I have a stacked component with Display:Stack. In that stack I have a container with Height:Fill and Overflow: Scroll. When that container is set to Fill, I can't scroll, but when I set it to Fixed it scrolls.

I think either we get rid of the Overflow option when set to fill, or allow scroll if Overflow:Scroll is set.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll share this with the product team working on the Stack beta :slightly_smiling_face: I'll keep you posted here if I get an update

Hi Tess, On the same note, is there a way to scroll the graphs to the right? we have 100+ records and would love to configure a way to scroll to the right without custom component and slider

Hi @Hakesh_Kolukonu Good question! :thinking: I don't see a native feature for this yet.

The best workaround I've found so far is setting the x axis range to be small and then having users click to pan back and forth on the chart
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or, similarly, this plotly js dragmode suggestion in the generic "Plotly JSON" chart (works better in end user mode)