Server side Pagination

Could we have an example shown how the server side pagination works and is set up. I get suggestion in yellow showing

The data source currently has more rows than the page size.** With server-side pagination on, this data will not be displayed. Be sure to query for {{ table1.pagination.pageSize }} number of rows.

I have one example im trying to get working is Jira-

But cant seem to work right, it dont show anything on page 1 but others it does but then very limited.

Hi @HMir! I recommend taking a look at the docs on the subject. They provide a good overview of how to implement server-side pagination for both SQL queries and API calls and displaying the resulting data in a table component. :+1:

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Hello @HMir

First enable the server side pagination from the table


Now create the query for getting data using limit and offset

Use the total count of the data on the server side pagination:

On the change page run the query that we create :

Now its run perfectly.
Thank you.