Saving data from database in a variable

I wrote a database resource query that manipulates data from the database. I want to save each piece of data that I used in a variable (each piece of data in its own variable) so that I can then send that data to a different integrated app via api. How can that be done? Is there a way to save the data to the variable in the database query?

Thank you!!

Is it possible to add more information, data, screenshots, etc.?

Thanks for your reply.
I wrote two SQL queries - one returns the stripe price ID and the other returns the amount that I want.
Screenshot 2024-01-09 220902
Screenshot 2024-01-09 220911
Then I wrote a JS function that runs each of the above queries and saves the results of each to variables.
Screenshot 2024-01-09 220920
Then in my stripe integration I used those variables as the information sent to stripe. My stripe integrations works when I put in regular values (meaning, the integration was set up properly) but when I try using the variables it says that its missing values. What can I do?
Screenshot 2024-01-09 220938

Your triggers should be run standalone in one js query... like

Don't believe you need the await statement...

And then you can just have to variables:
amountForBill and set the default value to
stripeLink and set the default value to