Salesforce Connection Issues

We're trying to set up a Salesforce Sandbox resource for testing and are stuck at the expired access token issue, which seems to be common due to its presence in the docs: Query Salesforce data | Retool Docs

All of the possible causes mentioned in the docs are checked, and we're able to set up the connection alright:

but whenever you try to use the resource in a query in an app the expired token error pops up:


However, when looking at the SF user login history the failed attempts are showing as successful logins.

Anyone dealt with this before? Any other ideas for debugging? Many thanks in advance :raised_hands:

Also wondering if the missing ID token has anything to do with it, the Retool docs don't mention that at all.

Aha, solved! For future searchers, it ended up being a very dumb issue - I was putting the "Salesforce Instance URL" in as but it needs to be