Retool Mobile imageInput Make Public option not working

I have a mobile app that is working fine other than I have the make public option checked and they are being uploaded as private.

Per another thread. I removed the inputimage control and readded it, no luck, same problem.

The other thread is closed, so i need to re-open

Hi @djones, I think you are referring to this topic, but please correct me if I'm wrong:

That issue was fixed with Cloud release version 3.40.0. If you are running into the same problem, it may be relate to a new bug. Creating a new topic is definitely what we want, thank you for doing so.

Could you attach screenshots with the configuration of your upload? We would love to see if you have an event handler attached to the component, or you are using its built in functionality only.

I have the same problem. It works fine when Selection Type is Multiple, but is not working for Selection Type: Single.

I can see on the network tab that the required query param ?public=true is not sent when using Selection Type: Single

Not working:


Hi @Chris_McClymont, welcome to the forum! :wave:
I was able to reproduce it on Mobile (no problem with the Web App component). We created a bug report for this issue. On the meantime, we can do the upload manually by creating a Retool Storage resource and a JS query to process the image. The "Make file public on upload" should work on the independent resource, the issue seems to be connected to the underlying query connected to the component under the hood.

Hi, same problem here! My temp fix is to choose "multiple" and do max & min images to "1".

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Hi @adibandzioch, great workaround. Thanks for sharing! :sunglasses:

Hey everyone, this is fixed on cloud now !