Retool Analytics & Audit - supports public applications?

I was looking through Retool's documentation around Analytics, Retool's Audit, and tried reaching out to book a Demo to learn more but was unsuccessful.

I am trying to understand whether or not Retool's Analytics and Audit would present data for public applications, specifically:

Retool Analytics:

  1. Visits per day
  2. Time per Visit

Retool Audit:

  1. Queries Run per Day
  2. Specific Query data (e.g variable inputs that were run for each query)
  3. IP Address triggering query

For example, if a user were to visit a public retool application and trigger a query - would this query appear in the Audit logs? If so, would the audit log include the query, it's inputs, and some identifier (e.g IP Address) to differentiate it from other users?


Seeing if there is anyone from Retool that can answer this question? Also, I am having time getting in touch with your customer experience - I've requested a demo twice and haven't received any outreach

Hi @springstreet, we cannot track visits per day or time per visit with Retool Analytics but I believe Google Analytics can handle that. With Retool Audit, we can get the IP Address triggering the query, data from the query like params, query string, and the referenced values.

Here is an example of an audit log object:

Note the ip address and the query params.

Here is how the query string looks for a SQL query in the audit log:

The referenced values (with {{ }}) are under the params key:

However, these are logs for users that are logged in. In other words, with public apps you won't get any logs from visitors unless they log in.

If you are on Self-hosted Retool, you would be able to see all container logs, but public apps are not supported on Self-hosted Retool.

About your demo request, that is handled by our Sales team. I reached out internally asking if there are any updates on it. On the meantime, feel free to join us during Office Hours to ask any other questions about your use case or the platform itself. The next one is on Tuesday at 11am PST (we won't be hosting one on July 4th due to the holiday).

Thank you for the follow-up, a few clarifying questions:

  1. Am I correct in my understanding that, for public applications, it would be possible to install Google Analytics (to at least get an understanding of views & time-on-page) for a Retool public application?

NOTE: My interest is to primarily see if people are visiting the Retool public application and I am not looking for Google Analytics data to be imported into Retool.

And yes, please keep me posted on your sales team's response. Unsure why I am not getting picked up by your CRM for additional outreach.


You are welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Although I have not set up Google Analytics on Retool myself, it does look like it's possible to send data from Retool Apps. Here is a useful thread:

Hi @springstreet, I checked internally and here is an update:

For public apps, we would not be able to connect to any resource that needs authentication. Since Google analytics requires authentication, the viewer would not be able to trigger those queries.