Replacing resource id

We created an application in retool. We tested it in our test environment. Moved to prod environment. In json, when transferring, we replaced the id of the test environment with the id of the prod environment.
but when installing and using this application, we still encountered the problem that the id of the test environment is used. We can't figure out where. tell me where we have a mistake.
Screenshots are attached to the letter.
The json of the application itself is also attached to the letter: "Organisation level v1.0.6"

Hi @Sergey_Primak1,

Thanks for reaching out! I don't see the json attached, could you send it again?

At first glance, I see that the error is coming from the module. Was the id only replaced in the app (and not in the module)?

HI, @Tess . Thanks. I really hope for your help.
Organisation level v1.0.6.json (777.7 KB)

Hm I'm not seeing the same error :thinking: Since the error is in the bgChecksModule, have you tested that module in the standalone module editor (in this same environment)?

The id, b1f43444-e532-11ef-9fcd-b3527439cf84, is for the Organization app (in any environment), but the id, 6a8b8234-a9ad-47e7-ba45-679896f4d546, is for a resource in a query in the bgChecksModule

We also have office hours tomorrow if you'd prefer to chat through this live

@Tess What do you recommend we do to diagnose or fix this error?

Hi @Sergey_Primak1,

Thanks for checking in! :thinking: It's still a bit hard to tell from the screenshots/json what the issues are and what is expected, but here are my thoughts so far:

  1. The first three screenshots show app UUID b1f43444-e532-11ef-9fcd-b3527439cf84. Did you change this or is this the expected UUID? The second and third screenshot indicate that there is a query in the bgChecksModule that doesn't have a resource set or that the resource isn't available in the London environment. If that is unexpected, I recommend opening the standalone bgChecksModule and clicking through the queries to ensure they each have the right resource set. Then, if you're still seeing errors, I would check on the resource configuration to ensure each environment is set up as expected
  2. The last two screenshots are from app f198b826-e542-11ef-bdb8-b7b4fcfc87a8 and have a variety of module errors. Is this a different instance of Retool? I'd start by resolving the issue in 1, but then you might need to check on each module to see if they work as standalone modules.
  3. I only see screenshots from the London environment. Do you experience the same errors in other environments (Production, staging, etc)? Environment selection is stored in the browser, so if you had an app open in London, and then you open another Retool app in the same Retool organization, it will also try to use London, even if that second app doesn't have London configured.
  4. Are you using separate Retool instances? Are they each spun up with a different license key? If they are separate instances, are you importing the JSON as a brand new app?
  5. If the above doesn't help, can you share more details on how you replaced the id of the test environment with the id of the prod environment?