Remove FilterStack group


I want to selectively add and remove a/multiple filter objects to an existing filter stack


I have set multiple filters on a table with the help of the regular filter/table options in the UI. But one of my filters is more complicates (combining multiple options, incl empty).
Looking at the documentation here: Display and edit datasets with the Table component | Retool Docs
-> I can see that I could add this filter with the setFilterStack() method. But then I would need to set ALL filters with setFilterStack(). Could be done by merging the existing Filter Stack with my new filter object. BUT I also can not clear single filter objects from a Filter Stack, only clear/reset the complete Filter Stack, which would also reset alls other Filters.


This is my current Filter Stack

  filters: [
      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">", value: 6 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<", value: 8, id: "lessThan8" },
      operator: "and",
    { columnId: "id", operator: "=", value: 10 },
  operator: "or",

and I want to add this filter object

      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">", value: 1 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<", value: 4 },
      operator: "and",

So that I finally have

  filters: [
      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">", value: 1 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<", value: 4 },
      operator: "and",
      filters: [
        { columnId: "id", operator: ">", value: 6 },
        { columnId: "id", operator: "<", value: 8, id: "lessThan8" },
      operator: "and",
    { columnId: "id", operator: "=", value: 10 },
  operator: "or",

How can I now remove the added filter object?


Just an idea, but would setting a variable work? Each time the filter is updated it would store the previous filter stack in a variable and then you could have a handler that reverts to the previous stack?

Hi @zpieratt37

Thanks for the suggestion! In my case this wouldnt work very well, because I have several single filter that interact with the table at the same time and state management of the single filter stack variables would get quite nasty.

In the end I solved it by setting an ID on a nested filter object so I can later find it in the stack and remove it by hand. Looks like this:

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Oh great solution! I haven't had a use case yet that requires that detailed of a filter stack but definitely gonna steal that idea if and when I do lol

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