Referencing another query in a query

  • Goal: I want to run SQL on another query result directly, because I have some base tables doing some complicated joins and I want to do a bunch of things to that same logic without copying the SQL ... and I want to do it with SQL not javascript which seems to be what the transformers are explicitly for.

  • Steps: I've got each part working fine, and can put in a query essentially

SELECT * FROM baseTable
) AS filteredTable
WHERE etc etc

I'd like to just replace the whole inner part with a query that already has that in it, so it'd be

SELECT * FROM (someQuery)
AS filteredTable
WHERE etc etc

Is that possible? It seems like it'd make code maintenance much easier.

I think there're a couple ways you could do this:

  • add/replace function (or stored procedure) to retool db

    • functions return a value
    • stored procedures do not return values
  • chain Retool DB Query and Query JSON With SQL resource queries

    • first, query your db and return the results
    • use SELECT * {{ formatDataAsArray( }} in a Query JSON With SQL query
    • formatDataAsArray() is required and can either be called once in a transformer(which you're wanting to avoid) or it can be called directly anytime a queries results need be further queried, this is because the Retool DB Query by default returns an object containing 1 array for each column:
                | column1_name   | column2_name |
      row1      | c1_row1_value  | c2_row1_value |
      row2      | c1_row2_value  | c2_row2_value |
      SELECT * FROM table1 would return:
        column1_name: [c1_row1_value, c1_row2_value],
        column2_name: [c2_row1_value, c2_row2_value]
      formatDataAsArray() turns the above into the following:
             column1_name: row1_value,
             column2_name: row1_value
             column1_name: row2_value,
             column2_name: row2_value