Query1 will be triggered unless you are caching the results:
That being said, make sure that the event you are using to return the transformer value from the numberInput1 is being done onChange or another event and/or check to make sure that you may or may not need to debounce that event.
Yeah, that is indeed an unwanted refresh and unnecessary use of resources... From the top of my head, a workaround I can think of:
create a variable called transformerResult
replace your transformer with a js query where
you make your calculation
check if the value of the variable is equal to the result of the calculation
if it isn't then trigger query1.
Finally set variable with the result of the calculation
set up an event handler in your numberInput1 to trigger the JS on change
change run behaviour of query1 as manual rather than automatic (although this may not be possible depending on your use case, if so then this post is kind of useless)