Onboard new users when added in the 'users' table?


I'm trying to find a way to onboard on the go new users to a mobile app I've built on Retool.
For now, everything is manual as I add emails to a users group dedicated to the use of the mobile app. Problem is it's manual and when my client will roll out to hundreds of new users, it's not going to be effective.

Is there a way to invite people as soon as they're added to a 'users' table? I'm using Retool DB and will soon or later replace it by Firestore DB.

Besides this, I'm also experiencing many difficulties for the first login as the new user can log to the app through his/her magic link but rarely can use the app right away as nothing shows up on the screen. It takes many log ins and outs before the mobile app kind of sets itself up. Any idea why?


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Hi @jeremy,

Looking into your first question now. Are you still running into this issue also?

Besides this, I'm also experiencing many difficulties for the first login as the new user can log to the app through his/her magic link but rarely can use the app right away as nothing shows up on the screen. It takes many log ins and outs before the mobile app kind of sets itself up.

Hi Abbey,

I haven't recently, it happened frequently about 2 months ago, it happened rarely now.
I had a new issue regarding the magic link where one account never received it while I was able to onboard new users with the same action. I sent over maybe 5 or 6 invites in one week, none of them hit the inbox. Honestly it's OK, we'll figure out with another email address.

Meanwhile on my side, I have re-organized my mobile apps inside new folders to regroup smaller batches of users. I did this after I've bumped into another problem with mobile users being able to change their product experience to 'desktop + mobile'. It's tedious to not have control on this (or at least being notified) even though I'm the admin of the workspace.

Hey @jeremy,

If you are on a Business plan or higher you can send invite from <your-org-name>.retool.com/settings/users by adding the users in a comma separated list and specifying which permissions groups that group of users falls under. Does that answer your first question?

I've logged the issue about mobile apps not appearing for new users right away internally for our engineers to look at.

Is it possible the invite link was being sent to spam? Were you able to able to successfully invite that user?

We don't have an alert system. However, only admin level users can change the product experience setting. I just tested it out to verify there wasn't a regression.

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Hello @AbbeyHernandez,

I've recorded my last batch of invites sent to my client, here's my clip.

I've asked my client to record his onboarding on his phone, from the magic link received in her inbox (sens.cd10.i@gmail.com) to the login in Retool Mobile App, here's her clip.

Here's the result of the onboarding on my end:

My audit logs about:

  1. The invite I've sent to sens.cd10.i@gmail.com

  2. The redeem of the invite from sens.cd10.i@gmail.com

What really bothers me in your system is that your audit logs don't clarify what kind of invites user send. It's just an invite with no property returned about the product experience selected by the admin. However, you do log the product experience the user gets when it redeems its invite and its userType is set to default.

That's all I can do to document my issue, could you investigate on your end to fix this?

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Hey @jeremy,

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write a detailed bug report and include these recordings. I created a feature request to improve the audit log and reported the issues you were running into with invites and the app not loading for new users. I also noticed from your video the UX could be improved when sending bulk invitations and submitted a request for that as well. I'll check back in whenever I have new updates for you.