New Table with server-side sorting

On a new table, there is no option to tell it to use server side sorting.
My data has a column which has custom data sort algorithm. Lets say it will sort A => C => B instead of A => B => C.
I use table's sortArray for querying, the result from API is in the correct order A => C => B, but retool table re-sort it to A => B => C.
How do I fix this?

Hi @hiep95,

The data in the table should be in the same order as the table's data source. Is it in the right order initially before any sorting is applied? Can you share more details about how table and sort array are used?

We have a feature request for enabling an option to disable sorting. Would that be helpful for your use case? If so, I can post here when we ship that feature

Hello @Tess
Before clicking on table header to sort: it displays the correct order from API
After: it sorts by itself.

I attached the app below. In the resource query, I enable the transformer and add this code:

// Query results are available as the `data` variable
return _.sortBy(data.symbols, e => {
  if (e.symbol.startsWith('1000')) {
    return Infinity;
  return 0;

To simulate my sorting algorithm, which puts all 1000xxx symbols to the bottom.
But when clicking on table's header to sort, it brings the 1000 to the top, which I don't want that.

Here is the app
Retool bug wrong order.json (22.1 KB)

Thanks for these details! This is the expected behavior until we can ship the feature to disable sorting or to specify your own custom sort :disappointed:

We added a disable sort feature to Cloud :slightly_smiling_face: (it should land on-prem within a couple of weeks)