Disabling sort in new table component

With the new table component, I can't seem to find the some features that were in the legacy table component:

  • ability to disable sorting
  • dynamic height
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Another feature of the legacy table that I can't find in the new one is dynamic column settings.

Hi @andy.barilla

Thanks for reaching out!

We're working on a feature for disabling sorting, as well as adding auto height! We are also actively working on adding dynamic column settings. I'll post here when these ship

We don't have feature parity between the two tables yet, but we're still actively working on the new table :blush:

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I believe auto height is shipping to Cloud next week :smile:

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Hi @Tess - have you guys shipped Disable Sort yet?

It's connected to this issue:

  • I don't want to show US$2.25 in my table, I want $2.25
  • The only way to get $2.25 is to use a string
  • I don't want users to be able to sort numbers formatted as strings
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Hi @Henry14! Unfortunately, we haven't shipped the feature for disabling sorting yet, but I'll let the team know that someone checked in








a simple workaround (but visualy is not that good) so +1



This feature got picked up and should hopefully ship out to Cloud on Wednesday (by the afternoon PST) :slightly_smiling_face: version 3.38

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Hello Tess, Assuming it was added, but I can't find it. Where is this setting?

Hey @Sam_Q! Yes, it's a bit tricky to find. You have the option to set it on each column under Interaction->Advanced settings:

Ah, I'm using dynamic columns. Is this only available for static columns?

Yes. We have a feature request to add more options to dynamic column settings, but they're currently fairly limited

Okay, thank you.