Need Help Querying Google Analytics 4 Metrics without ViewIds in Retool

Hey everyone,

I've recently encountered an issue while trying to connect Retool with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) after the update where views are no longer available. As a result, I'm having trouble obtaining data using the v4/reports:batchGet endpoint due to the requirement of viewIds, which are no longer present in GA4.

Specifically, I'm seeking assistance on how to query GA4 for various metrics such as users and new users without relying on viewIds. I'm interested in fetching data from Reports -> Acquisition -> Overview and Traffic Acquisition, but I'm uncertain about the alternative methods or parameters to use in the absence of viewIds.

Could anyone here provide guidance or solutions on how to navigate this challenge? I'm eager to understand how to access these metrics within Retool without the dependency on viewIds. Is there a workaround or a different approach that allows querying these metrics directly from GA4 without using viewIds?

    "viewId": “ga:?",
    "metrics": [
        "expression": "ga:users"
        "expression": "ga:newUsers"
    "dateRanges": [
        "startDate": "{{ dateRange1.value.start.split('T')[0] }}",
        "endDate": "{{ dateRange1.value.end.split('T')[0] }}"

I appreciate any insights, tips, or suggestions to help me successfully retrieve data from GA4 using Retool, particularly focusing on Reports -> Acquisition -> Overview and Traffic Acquisition metrics.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Best regards,


Same issue here. It looks like GA4 connector is only available in the Enterprise plan according to a post from @shawntax in another thread. Is there any way to access this on the business plan?

Same issue,
do we have more visibility on whether this connector will be released beyond the 'Enterprise' tier? GA4 is becoming a standard, and the Reporting API V4 is becoming obsolete as specified in their documentation: Overview  |  Analytics Reporting API v4  |  Google for Developers.