Multiplayer Access


Does anyone have access to the multiplayer functionality? I've watched the Dev Day last August and submitted a request to join the beta, but have not heard anything back since then. I can't find any related posts online either. Can anyone advise?

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I am not sure if that is available when using the Free version

We are currently on Business plan, so I expect us to be able to have that feature. Let me know if I am wrong.

Hi @brianzjj, I've DM'd you for org details to get you added to the multiplayer beta. Once multiplayer is out of beta, it will be available on all plans. Thanks for reaching out!

@AlexS I submitted the typeform for two company domains and , are you able to help get those approved for beta? Multiplayer would be very helpful right now!

Hi @fpeiagareau , enabled for both orgs. You can toggle it off/on from the Settings > Beta page if you need. Hope it helps!