Multipage audit log for pages


Our team is using Datadog for analysing the Audit Log. We have also converted most of our apps into multipage apps. But a question now about that - multipage apps are still logged with only the main page name, a la 'foldername/appname'. But having moved formerly separate apps now into one multipage one, we have lost a granularity level sort of.
Is there a possibility to have audit logging to be on a page level again, a la 'folderName/appname/pagename'? Or even just a new param in the log for the 'sub' page names?


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Hi @eliise , could you clarify what you mean in more detail? Are you looking for the Retool home directory to list out every app's page in the list so that you can go directly to each page instead of only having the app's home page?

Hi, @Jennifer_Zhang,

Not at all. I am talking about how Retool is referencing to apps in the audit log's parameters.
Currently it's on the main app level, including multi-page apps. So parameter 'pageName' lists only the name of the multipage app.

As we have now grouped up several apps that used to be separate, into a few multipage apps, we have lost a granularity level. So taking the previous example image of a log record, i would need to see

pageName: "Planning Dashboard / page1"

if the query was ran in Planning Dashboard's page called 'page1'.
Or even a new parameter to accompany the current pageName, a la 'subPageName' etc.
Previously we had logs where 'page1' was a separate app and thus we could see exactly where the query was ran, which was 'pageName: "page1".

Hope that clarifies the question.


Hey @eliise

Thanks for the screenshots here. I'll put in a feature request for this and comment here with any updates as they come.