Mp3 file type in Retool Storage

Hi! I created a binary string from a file url but I have no idea how to save it as mp3 in retool storage. I have the file saved without the possibility to preview or play after the download.

How do I establish a file type?

I need to be able to download this file and play it. This is the URL I'm decoding into base64

To unblock yourself, you can access the base64Data field of the file storage object for the data and create and pass the base64 URI with the file type manually entered for whichever component you use. I suspect you can pass this to the video player component.

Hi, thx himanshu. But what do I pass to the OpenAI "file" module?

I see a guy from this thread is passing it as a "fileInput.value[0]" but I can't figure out how to do it

Can you try setting file as {{}}