Module Setting Custom CSS/JS

Hey team,

Module Custom CSS JS are not getting carried to the app where module is getting embedded.

I.e. custom css to extend width of dropdown for navigation in module, renders correctly.
Previewing said module works correctly.
Embedding module in a different app, width is not carried through.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Standalone module works with imported script but not when included in an app

Hi @stefancvrkotic, thank you for your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

We do have a bug report for this one. Fixing this issue is currently not prioritized. We'll update you on the main topic when there are any news from our devs.

Thank you for your workaround @Anthony_Torres! I'll add it to the mentioned topic.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Standalone module works with imported script but not when included in an app