I have more of a general question about best practice for the design of a mobile app, especially now its multipage. My team typically work in poor network speed environments so am trying to optimise for that.
I have a typical setup of listview, detailview, editview for multiple tables. How would you set up this within the querys required. I am querying a pgres db.
My current workflow is -
ListView - getAllAssets
DetailView - getAsset
EditView Submit - updateAsset, getAsset, getAllAssets
Pros - After edit, the detail screen only relies on the query returning data for one asset to update. Feeling snappier.
Cons - Opening up the DetailView from the ListView requires a new query response. DetailView and ListView can get out of sync therefore required both queries to be called.
I have thought about
ListView - getAllAssets
DetailView - getAllAssets.filter
EditView Submit - updateAsset, getAllAssets
Whilst not querying the single asset, this does require the larger dataset to be requeried.
I have also thought about
ListView - getAllAssets
DetailView - selectedAssetVariable
EditView Submit - updateAsset getAllAssets, selectedAssetVariable.setValue with form data but havent fleshed that out yet.