Goal: When using modules I set a lot of the queries as manual to minimize unnecessary calls. I have noticed that this not longer works. queries set as manual do no trigger using the GUI trigger option.
Steps: In a bunch of my modules, when I set a query as manual it works fine in the module, but as soon as I try to use the module in an app, any queries marked as manual don't trigger. I can trigger them by using a script trigger, but the success/failure triggers don't do anything. You should be able to reproduce by creating a button that runs a query, set query to manual, put that module into an app, and try to press the button.
I have to do this to get it to trigger. The
App json export:
Hi @ben_inkana,
Thanks for reaching out! This is definitely something we want to investigate Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce it yet.
Any chance you could share an app export (or DM me an app export)? The app export should show us how the app and module are configured. It might help me reproduce the issue for our team
Is your app using release versions? Is the app a single page app, or our new multipage app structure?
I agree that it can be helpful to set queries to manual to reduce unnecessary calls Hopefully, we can sort out what's happening here asap. If you're able to join office hours tomorrow, it could be helpful to see the bug live, but either way, we'll continue looking into it
Hi @ben_inkana I think I was able to reproduce this today, so hopefully that can help our team move towards a fix I'll keep you posted
So far, I've only been able to reproduce it in a multipage app that was originally created from a module (using the export to app button), which is why I couldn't reproduce it earlier in a new blank multipage app