Goal: Show updated values from Database in Listview after Update-Query and Get new values query in Textarea
Steps: Create Listview, populate textarea with values from database.
Add a button to bulk update via primary the content of the textarea via script.
Update-Script is working, the values are written to the database.
Again, retrieve all values from database, but the listview still showing the previous text. Default of textarea is set to: {{item.textblock}}
(textblock is the column-name in db)
The query output also shows the new value "the new text", but on listview item still old text, it is not being updated.
However, Hovering with mouse over default value of the text area block shows the new text.
If i remove the default value and paste again the same {{item.textblock}}, the value is refreshed.
If i change the default value to {{query1.data.textblock[i]}} instead, it works.
yes it seems odd but actually the values still do not show up on the textarea.
The values are correct in the database and correct in the output of query1.
The hovering over default value which is {{query1.data.textblock[i]}} also shows the value. But it is not reflected in the textarea itself.
What I'm trying to achieve is to add text from a predefined set of textblocks to a textarea.
If the target textarea already contains some text (visually), then appending text works. If i do the same on an empty textarea, we see behaviour like above.
This is my script executed when click on "add text"
var wrapper = ;
var element = {};
element.id = variable1.value; //this is the primary key in the database
element.textblock =
query1.data.textblock [i] + '\n\n' + table1.selectedRow.textblock;
query2.trigger({additionalScope: {update_changeset : wrapper}});
The console log outputs the correct content.
Default value hovering shows correct content.
Database shows correct content.
Goal: Using the Listview, we change the value of a textarea using an update statement on the retool db table. The update worked, new values are stored.
On Update Success, we query again the data from the same database. While i hover over the default value selector, i see the new value string, but in the textarea it is not displayed. Remains empty.
If i cut the selector of the default value and paste it again, the textarea shows the value in the textarea.
I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior. Is there something different about how I have my app configured compared to yours?
Here's a recording of my repro.