Hi! I am working on my first Retool app and having several issues that are stopping me from moving forward.
Variable Issues – Several of my variables or transformers are showing an undefined error, while at the same time showing me a value in the green preview window. This is causing queries or components using that data to have issues. Even when I inspect the variable or component’s state, I see that it has a value, but things just aren’t working as they should.
Dropdowns, Multiselects, Tags – I have spent way more time than I care to admit on trying to get the dropdowns working how I’d like them to. I have tried setting the data source to the table’s data, to the query, to the query’s data, I’ve tried things like {{ dash_orgs.data.map(d=>d.organizationTypes) }}, and many variations of this. Following the documentation usually leaves me with the record’s ID as the available options. What I am trying to accomplish is to:
a. Have the multi-select offer all the unique values in the column as options.
b. Have it show the current values correctly and be able to add/remove values.