Goal: Integrate google drive API to upload files with a filedropzone and a button
Steps: I have tried to integrate the google drive api following this tutorial "Using Google Drive in Retool: Configuring OAuth, Viewing & Creating New Files", but I get the redirect_uri_mismatch when I try to connect with OAuth.
Details: I have followed all the tutorial steps, in the google cloud console and in retool. ¿What could be missing?
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Thank you for your help!
Hi @zz_alex_aa! Welcome to the community. Thanks for sharing so much detail, as well.
This particular error indicates that the OAuth callback URL
as specified in Retool doesn't match any of the Authorized redirect URIs
that you defined when setting up the client on the Google Cloud console.
I'm guessing that you might have entered https://oauth.retool.com/oauth/oauthcallback
instead of https://oauth.retool.com/oauth/user/oauthcallback
, given the fact that your resource isn't configured to share credentials among users. Double check that and let me know if the issue persists!