From watching the tutorials, there appears to be a few different approaches to generating a form based on the row clicked. I'm hoping that this can be as simple as I hope:
The skills in the table are populated by a select (category & name), but when a rating is chosen by a user (custom column), I want an insert to be triggered either on change of the rating or when the Confirm action happens. Is that possible?
I created a query for the insert:
INSERT INTO "SKILLSET"."PUBLIC"."ASSESSMENTS" (token, assess_category, assess_name, assess_rating) VALUES ('{{textinput1.value}}', '{{table1.columns['4']}}', '{{table1.columns['5']}}', '{{table1.columns['6']}}')
But this throws a Numeric value ':4' is not recognized
Lastly, is it possible to just run a bulk insert rather doing it RBAR?