In workflow, how to decode a text file with special characters?


I have a text file that contains a dictionary in a foreign language that uses special characters. I have the file in Retool Storage and would like to access it in a workflow.

There are two issues:

  1. I cannot access the file content using Python; I'm getting this error:

    1. I have tried Retool's decoder, but it is not returning the special characters. Is this something I can fix using Python in Retool, or do I have to host the file somewhere else?

Here is a sample of the file's content:


Any reason you have to use Python?

It is because the next codes are in Python

anyone can help me with this?

Hi @Youssouf_Ouologuem, I encounter this for an auto email workflow that we have. Context:

  • webhook triggered workflow
  • parameter "subject" will sometimes contain non-ascii characters
  • the output (email) should have a readable subject but still contains non-ascii characters.

This is my js code to adjust this:

That string will be decoded by Gmail api and the user will receive something like this:

This was an earlier test but you get the gist here. Not sure if this helps you in your use case.

Hey folks! Just want to mention here that you don't need {{}} in code blocks, you should be able to reference other blocks directly!