Is there a best practice for utilizing the array that's derived from a multi-select component on a "IN" clause with Apache Hive HQL? I'm utilizing the following query, but I'm getting an Unknown type array.node error when trying to use the bracket notation:
I don't have a Apache Hive HQL resource to test with, so this exact syntax may not work, but it may lead you in the right direction. For my Databricks resource, I can use where id in (select explode(array("1","2"))) but then need the below syntax when referencing the array of values dynamically:
Hey @Douglas_Urriola - It does look like an issue with the array type specifically, was able to work around it with a local Hive instance by casting the multi-select array to a string and then back in the DB with something like
where array_contains(split({{ multiselect1.value.join() }}, ','), COLUMN)