I want to create a URL that will open a specific page on Retool when a change was made on the app and sent it to Slack for a user to view

I am new to Retool and i have a situation where i build an app for users to log merchant pricing concession. This request needs to go into a review status and the problem i am facing, i want to create a URL that will link this specific page where the pricing request was made and send it to Slack in order for the reviewer to approve the pricing request. I added a id field to my base table and create a SQL query where i select all and added a where clause parameter id = id but its not working as attempted.

Did someone do this before and have any tips
On to make this simpler?

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@Clarise Welcome to the community :wave:

Not sure how your setup looks like, but here is an idea on how you can do it.

  • Pass URL Parameters: Include id and currentUser in the URL.
  • Extract & Use Parameters: Extract these parameters in the detailed view and use them in your query and logic.
  • Send to Slack: Generate a URL with the required parameters and send it via Slack

1. Generate URL with Parameters

In your primary app where the request is logged:

const id = requestForm.data.id;  // Retrieve the ID of the submitted request
const currentUser = currentUser.email;  // Assuming currentUser object has the email property
const detailPageURL = `https://your-retool-domain.com/apps/PricingRequestDetail?id=${id}&user=${encodeURIComponent(currentUser)}`;  // Encode user info in URL

// Send to Slack (assumes you have a hooked up API or integration)
const slackMessage = `A new pricing request needs your review: ${detailPageURL}`;
sendToSlack(slackMessage);  // Implement this function based on your Slack integration

2. Extract URL Parameters in Detailed View App

In the PricingRequestDetail app( Create a new Retool app that will serve as your detailed view for the pricing request. This app will take an id as a URL parameter and display the details of the request.), extract the id and user parameters from the URL:

const id = utils.getQueryParam('id');
const user = utils.getQueryParam('user');  // This will get the current user if passed in the URL

Use these parameters to fetch the relevant data:

FROM PricingRequests
WHERE id = {{ id }};

You can also use the user parameter for any specific user-related logic if required.

3. Function to Send Slack Message

Ensure your sendToSlack function sends the correctly formatted message to Slack via a webhook or API:

const slackWebhookURL = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

function sendToSlack(message) {
  fetch(slackWebhookURL, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
      text: message

Example Button Trigger

submitButton.onClick(() => {
  const id = requestForm.data.id;  // Retrieve the ID of the submitted request
  const currentUser = currentUser.email;  // Assuming currentUser object has the email property
  const detailPageURL = `https://your-retool-domain.com/apps/PricingRequestDetail?id=${id}&user=${encodeURIComponent(currentUser)}`;  // Encode user info in URL

  const slackMessage = `A new pricing request needs your review: ${detailPageURL}`;
  sendToSlack(slackMessage);  // Implement this function based on your Slack integration

Hope this general example helps with the logic :sun_with_face: