I want certain users to only see test environments

Goal: I want certain users to only see test environments

Details: I'm currently on Team plan and I think that Business plan is needed to be able to specify permissions at all. Currently all our users can do everything. We have 3 environments (test, rc, prod) defined in 1 db resource (PostgreSQL). I want to invite several developers and give them access to the 2 testing environments (test and rc), but not prod as it has sensitive data. Is that possible?

Hi @magnus,

It looks like you are right, you would need to be on the Enterprise plan in order to be able to create permissions groups and granularly restrict access to certain environments.

To read more about it, here's our documentation on permissions groups: https://docs.retool.com/org-users/concepts/permission-groups

And on configuring permissions for environments: https://docs.retool.com/org-users/guides/environments#configure-permissions

Sorry that this isn't currently available to you on your current plan, but I hope this helped! :smile: