How to disable search component inputValue filter search

Hi everyone,

I'm using the select input field to filter my database. I want the API to be called only when the inputValue has 3 or more characters. While this part is working as expected, I am facing an issue.

If the inputValue is less than 3 characters, the filter searches within the data (assuming I'm fetching 10 records at a time) and still hits the API. I want to prevent the API from being called after the initial load if the inputValue is less than 3 characters, even if the value is present in the existing data. Essentially, I only want the filter to apply when the inputValue is 3 or more characters, even when filtering the existing data.

Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @parulpathak99,

I'm not sure I understand your setup. However, you could try and set up an event in your inputValue component that triggers the API (rather than the API being triggered upon each change of the variable) and set an onlyRun rule with your 3 character logic.

Tentatively marking this as a solution, but let us know if you're still working on this use case @parulpathak99 :slight_smile: