How to achieve JSON grid?

I want to show the json output in the similar format? How do I achieve this?

"isbn": "123-456-222",
"author": {
"lastname": "Doe",
"firstname": "Jane"
"editor": {
"lastname": "Smith",
"firstname": "Jane"
"title": "The Ultimate Database Study Guide",
"category": [

Anything close to this will work for me. I just cannot have the json viewer that we have in retool as non-technical people cannot read it properly.

You can use a CheckBox tree component and if you need to have multiple ISBNs you can just add the Checkbox Tree component inside a List View Component

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i think can be achieved with a table component with expandable rows

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this works for you? is the new keyValue component

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@ScottR , can you provide an example to this approach. This seems to be the closest to what I require.

Yes @Skizhu , I did look into a similar approach.

Can you send along an example of your JSON with more than one book?

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"isbn": "978-1-234567-89-0",
"author": {
"lastname": "Smith",
"firstname": "John"
"editor": {
"lastname": "Johnson",
"firstname": "Emma"
"title": "Programming Paradigms",
"category": [
"isbn": "978-0-876543-21-0",
"author": {
"lastname": "Brown",
"firstname": "Alice"
"editor": {
"lastname": "Williams",
"firstname": "Robert"
"title": "History of Ancient Civilizations",
"category": [
"isbn": "978-9-876543-21-0",
"author": {
"lastname": "Johnson",
"firstname": "Michael"
"editor": {
"lastname": "Davis",
"firstname": "Olivia"
"title": "Machine Learning Basics",
"category": [
"Machine Learning"

OK so using a table may be best :slight_smile:
I added your data into the Data source field and surrounded it with [ and ]
You need to transform all that data as you have done and instead:
For the Author and Editor columns I mapped the values as:
{{item.firstname + ' ' +item.lastname}}
Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.43.25 AM
Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.44.09 AM

You could also use the Group by function if need be or add a filter to the table which would make it easier to search on if you have a lot of data.

Hope this helps and feel free to ask more questions

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Hahah! Yeah Table I already created above. Way looking at other ways. Thanks for the response and work. Much appreciated.

I looked at Checkbox tree and Cascader components but I don't believe there is a Component built in for your exact need.... You could try building a Custom Component instead

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