Hey all is there a way to access retool storage/storage folder/storage file from outside of retool. i know if i "make the file public" it is accessible via the file url but i rather keep the file private and "fetch it via api call from outside of retool" or something like that.
I Think the easiest way might be to make a workflow with an alias (you can mark it as public if you want) and access the file you need from there.
I was looking for an API but it seems there’s only an API for user management.
@retool is there an API for retool storage?
Seems that a workflow is the only way like @bobthebear suggested
Just realized a query parameter or hash might work also if you're wanting to minimize workflow runs or something
I don’t get it. How would that work in this case?
you would add something like ?fileId=sdg43_s23565_sdfrg_s335
onto the end of your app url or i think the format for the hash value is #filehash=sdfyu877823r
instead of the ?
. you can connect this to variable, so if the parameter changes the variable changes also. On page load or on value change, you just need to check if that variable or paramater is null or not:
- if null, no file has been requested
- if not null, grab the parameter value and run a query on retool storage
I think you'll actually want to use the hash param instead of query.... I had to refresh my memory on the difference here, but in short its a client side way of having a shared stored value for single page apps
Awesome guys!
Thanks for the ideas
@Steven_W i'm actually a bit disappointed & surprised there is no api fro storage. that would make so much sense to have it --> "do some data gathering & transforming magic in retool and save it as a file in retool storage" --> Fecth that file via api for other purposes
If i bolt on a "external" s3, it solves everything.
We don't currently have plans for APIs for external querying for resources, but using workflows is directionally the right answer. We're working on making APIs first class citizens in workflows so that's the approach we'd converge to whenever this happens.
A post was split to a new topic: How to utilize retool storage in a workflow?