How I create ui:widget with JSON input?

I am trying to build a JSONSchema form one of the fields of it a JSON input. I've created the form manually OK, but can't find a way to do it with json schema.

Hey @mlerman!

Taking a look at the available types for JSONSchema forms I'm not sure it supports a JSON input type. If you have an example of one that does from outside of Retool I can look into why it might not be working in your app.

Otherwise, would it be possible to use a separate component to have your user enter JSON data? Curious to know more about your use case!

The problem is that if the property is undefined or null it shouldn't be a part of the sent payload. The way setup works now the properties of the json are set to "" empty string if the value of the input is empty.
BTW why jsonEdit component is not part of the form?

If you want to exclude empty fields from your form data you can try using something like

{{_.pickBy(, _.identity)}}

(You can read more about those functions in the lodash documentation if you aren't already familiar).

Let me know if that helps at all and otherwise, I can try and think of other workarounds with you!

The JSON Schema form is actually an integration with the external library linked above (similar to how the chart component is an integration of plotlyjs). Right now its functionality is limited to what is offered in that library.