How can i underline a text in a button?

I need to underline a text which is in button. I used but it doesn't work.

Hey @margaret, welcome to the community :hugs:

I don't believe that's possible via a native setting. You can however add a bit of CSS to achieve that.

You can find the unique ID of your button by inspecting the button in your browser.

In my case, the button has an ID of button5--0

Head over to Scripts and Styles and paste the css

#button5--0 span {
  text-decoration: underline;

Does that work for you?

thank you! Unfortunately it doesn't work i don't know the reason

Hey @margaret! Just to double-check, were you able to find the button in the inspector as @minijohn mentioned?

@Kabirdas yes, i found it

Sorry for the late reply here! You might want to try writing to us through the chat in your app. It may be helpful for us to either step into your app or look at an export so we can see exactly what the issue is and why your custom CSS isn't working.